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DART® - QqTOF MSを用いた化学工業製品の直接分析および新規ソフトウェアを用いた含有成分推定
Material analyses in the chemical industry (e.g. characteristic analysis of raw materials, detecting additives, impurity identification, and quantification) is important process for product development and manufacturing. Mass spectrometers have become widely available in recent years because of its remarkable improvement of equipment and easy-to-use software and this also triggers increasing demand in chemical industry market. On the other hand, DART® (direct analysis in real time) is a method for the direct analysis of many forms of materials like liquid, solid, gas, and so on. This rapid analysis method eliminates the need for sample preparation, and has possibility to detect compounds which are difficult to see in a traditional LC/MS/MS method. In this presentation, we are showing high resolution, high sensitivity rapid analysis using DART®-QqTOF MS system and novel software to identify ingredients in commercial industrial materials.