

第3日 6月19日(金)  P会場



Tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) is an indispensable tool for a structural analysis of peptides and proteins. Although CID is generally used for MS/MS, ETD/ECD has advantage for PTM analysis in which peptide backbone is cleaved retaining the PTM moiety and the identification of PTM site is eased. However, ETD/ECD is unable to apply to a singly-charged ion due to inducing charge reduction. Therefore it is difficult for MALDI-MS to use the technology. Aiming for radical-induced dissociation available for a singly-charged precursor ion, we developed a new fragmentation method “G-HAD” inducing hydrogen-attachment dissociation (HAD)1 of gas-phase ions by injecting hydrogen radicals into a quadrupole ion-trap. In this study, we show the analysis of peptides and modified peptides with G-HAD.