- 第1日 5月15日(水) 14:45~15:25 B会場(102)
1B-O1-1445 PDF
Recently MS manufacturers have diversified mass spectrometers. Then there are many analytical plat forms for lipidomics by use of them. In addition, lipids are various in physical property and stability. So the complexity of lipidome and their analysis makes many troubles in the cause of ion suppression, in source decay, isomerization, degradation, lipid extraction, and (non-)specific adherence in laboratory use, but lipid researchers are often not aware of them. Every detected MS peak is often not intact ion peak derived from one kind of molecule but the sum of various contents. It would be discussed what kinds of problem is happening in daily lipidomic use of MS and how to improve, through our experiences of AMED lipidomics project.
And now new MRM peak alignment software: “MetaboAlign” by which can annotate fatty acyl chain composition with Q Exactive HF MS/MS library data and novel one phase extraction method for “Hydrophobic Metabolomics” in order to detect more lipids and their complex derivatives will be introduced.