The Mass Spectrometry society of Japan - The 71st Annual Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Japan


Poster Presentations

Day 3, May 17(Wed.)  Room P (Foyer, Room 1004-1007)

Analysis of intensity distribution of nitrogen oxide-related ions generated in atmospheric pressure negative corona discharges

(Yokohama City Univ.)
oTomoki Yamada

In atmospheric pressure plasma such as an electrostatic precipitator, it has been regarded as a problem that nitrogen oxides generated as discharge by-products cause corrosion of electrodes. However, there are many unclear issues about how they are generated and moved in an electric field. In this study, the position of the needle electrode was changed, and an intensity distribution of nitrogen oxide-related ions reaching the counter electrode was obtained by an atmospheric pressure negative corona discharge ionization mass spectrometry. It was compared with a modeled distribution of tunneling current emitted from the needle electrode and number of nitrogen molecules cleaved by electrons accelerated under the electric field using conformal mapping method. As a result, it was suggested that NO2- and NO3- intensities are correlated with the tunneling current and the number of cleaved nitrogen molecules, respectively.