The 72nd Annual Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Japan
Mon, Jun 10, - Wed, Jun 12, 2024
Tsukuba International Congress Center (Takezono, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture 305-0032, Japan)


Young Researchers' Sessions (Int'l)

Day 1, June 10(Mon.) 14:45-15:00 Room A (Convention Hall 300)


Report on the Results of Noble Gas Isotopes Measurements with Multi-turn Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometer on Board during the YK23-16S Research Cruise

(1Univ. Tokyo, 2Univ. Tokyo, 3National Museum of Nature and Science)
oShogo Numata1, Hirochika Sumino2, Kenichiro Tani3

The helium isotope ratio (3He/4He) differs among geochemical reservoirs in Earth’s interior, such as the crust, atmosphere, and mantle. Helium in volcanic gases is a mixture derived from these three components. When volcanic activity increases, the contribution of mantle-derived components increases, and the 3He/4He ratio of volcanic gases becomes higher. Regarding the monitoring of volcanic activity, improving temporal resolution is a challenge for using noble gas analysis of volcanic gases.
The purpose of this study is to simplify and enhance the efficiency of the measurement process of 3He/4He ratios of volcanic gases using a portable mass spectrometer (multi-turn time-of-flight mass spectrometer), to establish an on-site measurement, and to implement it practically as a volcano monitoring technique.

We report the results of measurements on board the ship during the YK23-16S cruise of YOKOSUKA, JAMSTEC, alongside those obtained using a magnetic field mass spectrometer in the laboratory for comparison. The samples were seafloor hydrothermal fluid and seawater collected by the Shinkai 6500. The simplified line resulted in a longer purification time for larger gas volume samples, and the counting rate of helium ions was lower than expected.