The 72nd Annual Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Japan
Mon, Jun 10, - Wed, Jun 12, 2024
Tsukuba International Congress Center (Takezono, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture 305-0032, Japan)


Symposium Sessions

Day 2, June 11(Tue.) 9:45-10:05 Room D (Conference Room 202)


Sequence Analysis of Liquid Crystalline Polymers by Ion Mobility Quadrupole-Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry

(1NITech, 2Polyplastics)
oMomoka Hori1, Yuki Morimoto1, Shinya Kitagawa1, Hajime Ohtani1, Kuniaki Kawaguchi2, Hiroaki Akutsu2

Sequences of liquid crystal polymers (LCPs) was analyzed by ion mobility (IM) quadrupole (Q)-time-of-flight (ToF) mass spectrometry (MS). For the ionization of LCPs, lithium salts was used as the cationizing agent. For trimers of bipolymers (X and Y), there are isomers of αXYYω, αYYXω, αYXYω of the same m/z values, where the acetyl and carboxy end groups are denoted as α and ω, respectively. These isomers were separated into two peaks by IM even though the XX and YY resulted in a single peak in each driftgram. The sequences of the trimer isomers were identified by IMS-MS/MS and it was found that the cross section of αYYXω is lager that those of αYXYω and αXYYω.