The 72nd Annual Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Japan
Mon, Jun 10, - Wed, Jun 12, 2024
Tsukuba International Congress Center (Takezono, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture 305-0032, Japan)


Young Researchers' Sessions

Day 3, June 12(Wed.) 10:30-10:45 Room B (Convention Hall 200)


Noble Gas and Halogen Analysis of Fluid/Melt Inclusions in 3.7 Ga Peridotites for Investigating Mantle Geochemical Evolution

(1Univ. Tokyo, 2Kanazawa Univ., 3UPLB, 4NMNS, 5Univ. Copenhagen, 6Univ. Toyama, 7Kochi Univ., 8JAMSTEC)
oNanae Fukushima1, Hirochika Sumino1, Tomoaki Morishita2, Juan Guotana3, Ikuya Nishio2, Kenichiro Tani4, Pedro Waterton5, Kristoffer Szilas5, Hikaru Sawada6, Masafumi Murayama7, Kenta Yoshida8

To constrain the volatile element evolution of the mantle, noble gas and halogen analyses were performed on 3.7 Ga peridotites. The noble gas composition of fluid/melt inclusions in the peridotites reflects the contribution of noble gases from radiogenic (crust-like) component. Here, we proposed two models to explain the crustal noble gas signatures: (1) slab-derived fluid/melt penetrated and was trapped in the dunite, (2) crustal fluid was trapped in the dunites during metamorphism of the ISB. Assuming that model (1) is correct, it suggests the possibility that the mantle experienced strong contributions from radiogenic components in fluids/melt derived from partial melting of the slab.