The 49th Annual Conference on Mass Spectrometry,

Tokyo, Japan, 2001

[English]  [Japanese]



Deadline of title with short abstract of your presentation must be received by Friday, January 19, 2001.

(Deadline of full abstract is April 14, 2001, and the submission instructions will be published in future on this Web site.)



General Information

Date: 18-20 June, 2001

Location: The University of Tokyo, Sanjo Conference Hall and Yasuda Auditorium
(7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan)
Sponsor: The Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan



Presentation and discussion on recent scientific and technological advances related to all aspects of mass spectrometry.

General presentation: Oral presentations (15 min presentation and 5 min discussion) and poster presentations

Symposium and workshop: 「A prospect of new techniques and applications of mass spectrometry in the 21st Century」 and others


Special lectures

Dr. Marc R. Wilkins (Proteome Systems Ltd., Australia)
 「Proteomics: high-throughput protein analysis in the functional genomics era」
・Prof. Reloy C. Blank (Univ. Oklahoma) 
 「Instrumental conception of NEUBA and its application」
・Prof. Richard Fruehan (Carnegie Mellon Univ.)
 「Use of Mass Spectrometry for the Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Metallurgical Reactions」
・Prof. Giovanni Balducci(Univ. Roma)
 「High-temperature Mass Spectrometry : an “old” but still “young” and powerful technique in materials research」


Tuesday, June 19, 2001 at the Sanjo Conference Hall


Abstract Submission Information and Preregistration

Deadline of Title Submission

Title of your presentation and a short abstract must be received by January 19, 2001

Title Submission


Deadline of Full Abstract

Must be received by April 14, 2001 by postal mail

Abstract Submission


Deadline of Preregistration

Must be received by May 18, 2001



Registration Fee

Preregistration Fee (incl. an abstract volume)   * by May 18, 2001

Member of Mass Spectrometry Society
・Member of Associate Sponsors  


*The registration fee will be increased by 1,000yen after May 18, 2001


Persons who paid registration fee
・Attendant only to the Party          



Maps of Local Area

Road Map

Campus Map

For additional information, contact:

Prof. Michio YAMAWAKI

Prof. Keisuke NAGAO





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