The Mass Spectrometry society of Japan - The 68th Annual Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Japan

Best Presentation Award

Outstanding presentations given by young scientists will be awarded the “Best Presentation Prize” from the organizing committee of the conference. Applicants should be MSSJ members under 35 years old as of April 1, 2021. Presentations applied to this award will be carefully reviewed by the anonymous scientists of various research areas assigned by the organizing committee of the conference.
The winners of the award will be asked to submit a paper (original or review) to Mass Spectrometry published by MSSJ by the end of December, 2021.

Please click "Yes" button in the field of "Best Presentation Award" of the submission form for MSSJ members to apply.

Minutes for your presentation

DO develop good speech habits. It is not enough that the audience hears your voice, they must understand what you are saying. Be aware of your speech faults and learn to compensate for them. Try not to use an abnormal voice level. Remember to speak at a normal rate (i.e., 100 - 120 words per minute).

DO learn to speak extemporaneously. This will enable you to think on your feet as you proceed through your presentation and allow you to speak directly to your audience. Be thoroughly familiar with your outline and its organization.

DO use graphics such as charts, slides, pictures, etc. They will enhance your presentation and clarify the information presented, provided they are effectively used. The use of slides is very desirable since it gets a point across to the audience in much less time and with much less effort than you can with words alone. Be certain they are well designed and legible.

DO develop a good speaking posture. Walk naturally and purposefully when approaching the podium. Stand comfortably erect and reasonably at ease. Do not begin to speak until you feel you have the self-confidence you require. Make the most of your posture and appearance. It is your first introduction with the audience, and you should plan to make a favorable impression.

DO NOT read your paper in full. Prepare a step-by-step outline and use it when practicing aloud. Incorporate all the gestures you plan to use at your presentation. This will not only assist you in introducing the proper animation but aid you in remembering the correct sequence. You will find that the more you practice the less you will have to rely on the outline. Avoid taking your printed paper to the podium - replace it with your outline. This will remove that last minute temptation. Being free of your written paper, you can watch the audience to gain that self-confidence you are seeking, thus enabling you to modify your presentation as you proceed. The read speech is a hazardous undertaking and unless the speaker is fully experienced in what he is doing, it usually falls flat. Should you select to read your paper, it is worth repeating that you should assign a good bit of your time to the rehearsal. Moreover, in order to sound genuine and to make a favorable impression, your reading should sound as if you were speaking. Know your paper well enough to grasp your thoughts at a single glance. Practice will enable you to master any difficult pronunciations and help you to develop a conversational style. It will give you that feeling of sureness and allow you to become so familiar with your paper that you can pursue visual contact with your audience.

DO NOT waste your time on something that is not part of your paper. The audience has some background and interest in your subject and has assembled because they are specifically interested in your experiences. Wit and story telling are not required although at times prepared techniques are necessary to arouse audience interest.

DO NOT prepare extensive notes. List only the high points of your paper and underscore the important headings. They should provide a condensed picture around which you can build your story. Use no more information than can be comfortably typed on one or two standard index cards.

DO NOT stare vacantly at the audience. Learn to shift your gaze as often as possible. Select individuals in the audience and speak to them in a direct and friendly manner. Try to avoid the “fixed” look at one area of the room.

DO NOT walk aimlessly about the podium while speaking. This not only distracts the audience but prevents them from having the proper feeling for your paper. Move only when your movement tends to enhance your delivery. Properly executed movement heightens attention and tends to improve your presentation.

DO NOT let unconscious gestures such as playing with the pointer, pulling your ear, etc. become chronic habits. Use your hands and arms to emphasize and clarify points and to convey attitudes, but not to distract. Your gestures and facial expressions should be spontaneous. Remember that well planned bodily actions will tend to relax you during your delivery.

DO NOT let your story “run down” at the end. Keep up the interest (and your voice) until you come to the end-then stop! Include a brief summary of your paper and finish with a good concluding statement.

DO NOT overrun your time. Timing is the normal byproduct of your practice session. If the presentation is overtime, it will cut into your discussion period. At times, last minute adjustments may be required. Prepare an accelerated ending so that you can start your concluding statement when you are signaled that your time has expired. 

Discussion Periods

Your presentation will normally be planned to allow a discussion period following your talk. After hearing a question, repeat it (using the microphone if one is available) for the audience’s benefit. Give a brief answer that will satisfy both the questioner and the audience. Should you not be able to answer an unusual question, invite the questioner to confer with you after the session. By all means don’t make up an answer, be honest and to the point. Throughout this article we have intended to bring forth various speaking principles concerning poise, voice, delivery, etc., which will assist you in making your oral presentation one of the highest caliber. Many of the problems that may confront you as you await your turn on the podium can be avoided by making use of the suggestions put forward here. Many speakers will feel apprehensive during the first few minutes of their presentation but will soon overcome their fears after they become accustomed to the audience. If this is your first encounter, we strongly urge you to memorize your opening statement. This will permit you to gain that much needed confidence as you get “rolling along.” Organize your paper carefully and deliver it clearly and with sufficient enthusiasm to gain your audience’s attention early.