日本質量分析学会 第71回質量分析総合討論会



第2日 5月16日(火)  P会場(ホワイエ,会議室1004-1007)

抗体医薬品に対するMulti-attribute method (MAM) の国内発展を目指した製薬企業連携 -試験サイト間差低減に向けた検討 (3) C末端Lysクリッピング-


The Multiple Attribute Method (MAM), based on peptide mapping by LC/MS2 analysis, is an analytical method that provides a better understanding of the quantitative evaluation of antibody drug heterogeneities.
The National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) and 11 pharmaceutical companies in Japan have established a Materials Open Platform (MOP) as a Center of Excellence (COE) in 2021, which aims to improve the infrastructure of research and development and standardize development methods. The Antibody Analysis Group, one of the groups in the COE, is organized to develop the MAM in Japan.
In this presentation, we will present our findings from the analysis of C-terminal Lys-Clipping in the experiment. The mass spectra obtained by MAM are generally detected as Multi-charged ions. The results of the Lys-Clipping analysis suggest that the variation of the quantification value among companies may be reduced by matching the charge status of the peptides for which ion intensities are calculated for Clipping and non-Clipping peptides when calculating the percentage of Lys-Clipping.